Thursday, August 23, 2007


A Story For Sexually Frustrated Men

My friend was seriously unhappy.

He never said anything about his unhappiness. He never complained. But, I could see the hurt, anger, and frustration that seethed and stewed inside of him. It was all there below the surface.

Try though he might, he couldnt hide the unhappy story that was etched into his face and eyes the story of Im doing everything Im supposed to do but what I want isnt coming back to me.

Because I cared about my friend, I asked him to go riding with me. As I pointed my car down a scenic highway, we just rode in silence my friend wrapped up in the turmoil of his thoughts. After several miles, with tears in his eyes, he finally broke and unloaded on me. Heres what he said

My problem is that my wife is never in the mood. Its been years since she initiated sex. And, when I finally get past all of her sexual avoidance tactics, she just lays there like a lump of coal, no emotion, no kissing, and no movement of any kind. I feel like I am raping her. At that point, I am so furious and frustrated that I would rather just stop and finish myself off. But, the feelings of humiliation from that are even worse.

And, I dont get it. On my end, Im doing everything Im supposed to do. Im a good provider for her and our children. I take time to talk with her and I listen to what she has to say we even have dinner together almost every day. We have a nice home, she drives a nice car you would think I would get something coming back to me, wouldnt you? And yes, she takes good care of our kids and thats the problem, she takes good care of everything and everyone except me.

I tell you, after years of her lack of interest in sex, Im to the point that I feel nothing but hatred towards her. Im fed up with being sexually needy. Im sick and tired of getting the cold-shoulder. Im through with being made to feel like Im some kind of pervert just because I have sexual needs.

I used to love her with everything thats in me and maybe theres still a little love buried down deep somewhere but right now the flame is gone and all thats left is bitter resentment.

And you know whats most frustrating of all? I know it used to be in her. When we were first married, she was great. Now its like her sexual interest is completely gone died out and its killing me too.

As you can tell from the story, my friend believed that he was fully meeting the needs of his wife but his wife was not meeting his needs in return and as you know, unhappiness is exactly equal to expectations unfulfilled.

But now, let me tell you what was really going on and check to see if this is the case with you. Because my friend was not meeting the most important needs of his wife, he had literally and physically turned off her sexual faucet and he didnt even realize it.

Yes, it was true that he was meeting some of her basic financial and security needs. But thats not at all the same thing as meeting her needs in a way fires up her sexual engine. Its not the same thing at all.

Thats so important; let me say it again in different words. It doesnt matter if you are meeting your ladys surface-level needs if her deep-level needs are unmet.

And that was exactly the case with both my friend and his wife. He wasnt meeting her deep-level needs which over the course of time had turned her off such that she was no longer interested in meeting his deep-level needs.

As we continued down the road, I told my friend about my ATTRACTIVE NYMPHOMANIAC formula that I had developed for opening back up a womans sexual faucet and opening it up onto her man.

Let me give you a quick example of what I shared with him

You know that females crave romance. Now, let me ask you, what is romance? Im serious. What is your answer? How would you define and describe romance?

If your answer was anything like most mens, your answer revolved around flowers and dinner.

Truth is, you already know thats not right because if youve been with your lady any time at all, youve bought her flowers and taken her to dinner and all it did was make her even madder at you didnt it? So obviously, romance isnt about flowers and dinner.

Heres how I explained what romance is to my friend

For a woman, romance is making her feel special. It is making her feel like, of all the available women, she is the only one you are interested in. When you asked your lady out on dates before you were married, it made her feel special because you were choosing her above all the other females around.

But this need to feel special doesnt end for a woman when she gets married. Even after marriage, your wife still needs to feel like shes the most important person in your life. Thats why your wife needs you to court her even after you are married. She still has that need to feel like you are chasing her and trying to win her.

Now, thats very different than trying to bribe and soothe her with flowers and dinner, isnt it? You can see that now, cant you?

Anyway, as I continued describing the formula, my friend became more and more excited. His eyes began to literally glow. He now understood why the sex had died off in his marriage. More importantly, he clearly understood how to go back home and create a marriage of love, sex, and passion.

After our little road-trip, it was almost a month before I saw my friend again. He positively glowed such that I hardly recognized him. Clearly, something was very different for him. As soon as we had a private moment, I asked him how things were going. Heres what he told me

Shes initiating sex all the time now. Im starting to worry about whether Ill be able to keep up with her now. Thanks for sharing your ATTRACTIVE NYMPHOMANIAC formula with me. It has made all the difference in my life and in my home.


Copyright 2007, by Calle Zorro

Men, find out how to create a happy, sex-filled marriage. Go to to find out more. Be sure and notice the comments from women whove went from cold to hot

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