Thursday, September 13, 2007


Penis Size Does Matter

Penis size does matter! Not to women, but to you!

If you believe that you have a small penis, it may matter very much to you, however unimportant the issue might seem to other men, women, doctors and experts.

Most articles in women's magazines, surveys and studies show that penis size does not really matter to women. Surveys and studies can say what they want about what men and women prefer but if YOU are unhappy about your penis size, then penis size does matter.

This is nicely illustrated by a young university student's view on the size of his penis : "It's not the fact that I am ugly and repulsive- well I don't think I am, at least I've never been told I am. The fact is that I lack serious confidence, now that I have been told before. I lacked faith in myself and in my ability to perform. I am 5'10" tall - which isn't extremely tall or small, just average. But I was never satisfied with my penis size. However I looked at it, I just simply wasn't satisfied with it- I would go as far as to say I was really embarrassed."

Telling men that penis size does not matter, is like telling a woman that feels her breasts are undersized, that her breast size does not matter. The fact that most men do not care about breast size when they get involved with a woman whether emotionally or sexually, has nothing to do with her perception of herself as having small breasts. If she "feels" she has small breasts, then it does matter to her.

The key word here is "feeling". It boils down to self perception. If you "feel" you have a small penis, no reassurance from your partner will convince you otherwise. It is based on your "feelings" which in turn is based upon self perception and self acceptance.

True, that some men may in fact have an under size penis, and may in fact have been ridiculed in the past, but most men thinking about penis enlargement are in fact "normal" or average. They may however "feel" that they have a small penis and for these men it is as real as their hair color. It has very little to do with fact, and for them penis size does really matter.

For most women penis size do not matter because most women can only accommodate the average penis size anyway. The fact is women vary in size, too. Some have longer vaginas, some shorter. So if you pride yourself on your exceptional length, but the women in your life is shorter than average, you might be missing the spot.

We appreciate the fact that women want to save our fragile male ego's because in their eyes penis size really does not matter (their preferences are usually a blend of taste, aesthetics, habit, comfort, pressure and pleasure) but for some men it is important to have a larger penis.

Just as you would keep reassuring your better halve that her breast size does not matter, no amount of "convincing" from your part can make her think otherwise because "breast size" is important to her and the way she perceives herself. If she "feels" she has small breasts, then it really does matter to her.

What is important to note here is that most men will have a penis that falls within the suggested normal size range, but that does not always make them feel normal or better about themselves. Both they, and their doctor, should recognize that this is primarily a psychological problem, connected to physical and sexual self-image, rather than a physical handicap.

This is why I get so upset with people saying that penis size does not matter. It does! It matters to the person who "feels" they have a small penis. And it is as real as anything else in their lives. And it does not help dismissing the topic all together. It does not help asking women about penis size and whether it matters. They do not have penises so of course it will not matter to them! It matter's to the person who "feels" they have a small penis. Penis size does matter!

About the author:

Warren Peterson is owner and editor of with an ever expanding resource on penis enlargement products, articles and male sexual health issues.

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